Friday, October 10, 2008

Wendy Butterfield Podcast

The purpose of this PhotoStory podcast series is to illustrate typical activities at school for our parents. This would be a resource that families can subscribe to. The first episode will be available for parent/teacher conferences. Subsequent episodes will air monthly and each will highlight a class, activity, or special event which the students will produce.
I adjusted many of the pictures for this podcast using Adobe Photoshop. I adjusted pictures using the resizing and resampling instructions. I used the duplicating by cloning tool to remove a large power box from the group picture. I also gave the picture a soft edge using the vignette.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

EDUC 552 Movie Teacher Tube

This is my EDUC 552 movie using the Teacher Tube address

EDUC 552 Movie

This is my EDUC 552 Movie. It teaches the students how to take the Accelerated Reader test. This is a test on the computer that asks the students questions about the book they read. I created many pictures using Adobe Photoshop. I used the Vignette for the class picture. I also used the duplicating by cloning to cover up a power box. I made a collage of students reading and filled it with an image. The image was the word book from the sample disc that was included with the text.

I used a variety of effects and transitions within movie maker. The final picture is a black and white of one of my students holding his printout from the AR test. I had a great time making this movie I hope you enjoy watching it.

Week Seven

I have finally finished my movie for EDUC 552 (YEA!). I have really enjoyed the work this week. This end of the learning curve is much more rewarding. I used Adobe Photoshop in many different ways this week. I merged photos, created photo collages and finally got the filling selection with an image to work. I used the Text Books file from the sample disc along with a collage of my students reading to add a great page to my movie.

I found out the hard way that the button in movie maker that says "save to my computer" is not enough of a save. I had to redu my entire days work.


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Week Six (livetext part 2)

Week Six (livetext) 3871546#3871546

Week Six

I have been frustrated this week making my movie and podcast. My goal was to create a collage image for my movie using the "Filling a Selection with an Image" example in the text. I wanted to make a page like the BOOKS example using pictures of my students instead of books and it is not working the way I had envisioned.

I also would like to know if there is something that I can do about the interaction between the video camera and the computer screen. I have some great footage of my students taking AR tests on the computer and the screen shows bad interference.
