Sunday, September 14, 2008

Week Four

I have subscribed to a podcast series that deals with Smartboard technology and its use in the classroom.

I have really enjoyed the podcast about the Smartboard. The producer introduces many things that I will use with my class. The second episode demonstrated the tool bar and what each icon can do. This was helpful because I did not realize what each of these options did. In addition, I found several new things that I can do with the icons that I was familiar with.

In terms of production quality, I thought the text was sometimes hard to read (this was a video podcast). The size and shape of the arrow icon was difficult to follow when the speaker was demonstrating a particular process.

I use my Smartboard every day and it's become a key technology for my instruction. We received very little training on this and the podcast series has been a wonderful resource for me. By learning more of the features, I've been able to add to the ways that I can work with my students in class. They enjoy the variety of Smartboard activities that I've been able to introduce and my teaching has benefited.


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